How Buddhist World is coping with the COVID-19 pandemic In S. Korea ?


A Special preaching

The Ceremony for Lord Buddha's Birth Day has been postphoned to the end of May due to Covid-19, however, a Special preaching has been performed by the Most Ven. Seongta at the Museol Jeon, Kyungju Bulguksa Temple(Hall of Silencer where enshrined with the Buddha Image Royal Granted by His Majesty Bhumibol Adulyadej)

By : Museol Jeon, Kyungju Bulguksa Temple

News sharing to keep in touch

In the spirit of this new found solidarity supported by technology, we would like to request to post on your official website ( or blog the news of the events hosted by Jogye Order, if we end the article and pictures about them. Sharing such news would be a good way to keep in touch while we are banned to see each other. face-to-face.

By : Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

How to

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